Articles & News

Stay informed and inspired with our latest articles on Pilates, health, and wellness. Our blog is regularly updated with tips and insights to help you get the most out of your Pilates practice. Our articles cover a variety of topics, including the benefits of Pilates, how to improve your form, and how to incorporate Pilates into your daily routine.

Pilates and Pregnancy: Preparing Your Body for Labor and Delivery
April 20, 2023

Pilates and Pregnancy: Preparing Your Body for Labor and Delivery

Pilates can be a safe and effective workout for pregnant women, helping to improve posture, strengthen the pelvic floor, and prepare the body for labor and delivery. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of Pilates during pregnancy, as well as modifications and exercises that are safe for expectant mothers.

Pilates and Physical Therapy: A Powerful Combination for Rehabilitation
April 20, 2023

Pilates and Physical Therapy: A Powerful Combination for Rehabilitation

Pilates can be a valuable tool for physical therapists working with patients recovering from injury or surgery. In this article, we'll explore the ways in which Pilates can complement traditional physical therapy, helping to improve range of motion, build strength, and speed up the recovery process. We'll also discuss the specific benefits of Pilates for common conditions such as back pain, knee injuries, and shoulder injuries.